Wednesday, June 8, 2011

So These are Things I Like

  • When it Rains

  • Driving my Car

  • Hearths

  • My Bedroom

  • Rooms with nice views

  • Fountains

  • My Apartment

  • Going camping

  • Taking Showers

  • Swimming in the Pool

  • Swimming in the Ocean

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

"Wisdom drips, but dries into dust if we do not drink it."

I started a fun tradition a while back of looking up intelligent thinkers' quotes. But for the last six months, they have just been sitting useless in my Gmail inbox, since I emailed them to myself to save them. I don't want to throw them away, because I love them, but they can't stay (Ah!).
So, now that I'm realizing the usefulness of a blog as a virtual trash can, I have decided to move some of them here. Viola!


If a writer knows enough about what he is writing about, he may omit things that he knows. The dignity of movement of an iceberg is due to only one ninth of it being above water.

All my life I've looked at words as though I were seeing them for the first time.

All our words from loose using have lost their edge.

Man is not made for defeat.

Never confuse movement with action.


Am I not destroying my enemies when I make friends of them?

As I would not be a slave, so I would not be a master. This expresses my idea of democracy.

God must love the common man, he made so many of them.

If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? Five? No, calling a tail a leg don't make it a leg.

It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

Whenever I hear anyone arguing for slavery, I feel a strong impulse to see it tried on him personally.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Rock Star

When I listen to Death Cab for Cutie, there is a big (okay not so big) part of me that suddenly wants tooooooo sell all of my possessions, drop out of college, move away, and write music forever. Not that this is feasible or will ever, ever, ever happen, but I can dream, Okay? ? ?
So, just for your giggly enjoyment, my Top 5 Things I would do if I suddenly became Robert Plant:

Numero Uno: Grow my hair to my waist and bleach it blond!
Dos: Get a tattoo across my back.
Three: Two words: Stage Dive!
Four: Dedicate a song to Rock.
Five: Smash my guitar!

So, now that we have lived through my rock star dream, I'm heading back to homework. (Ahh the joys of suburban-citizen, college-student life.)

The Poetry of Wallace - an exploration into the feelings of Austin on December the 7th

After the semester's final devotional today, I ran into Austin in the cafeteria. Among other things he did that made me laugh, he shared this original poetry with me. I post it now :) He said these were his deepest emotions on this very tired day. Enjoy.
(Permission granted)

Too tired to try to express my feelings on this page
Nothing to give to others and nothing to take away
Struggle to shake off slumber but can only think
of bed

Afraid of what might happen I tuck back into my shell
I wish I could see now the two things I did wrong before
Failure sets in again as one word falls from her lips...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Goal Time!

(I thought the photo looked appropriate.)
Life without goals is just passing time, so I want to lay out some structure. But not too complicated. These should be done before the end of the year. Here we go:

Educational: Re-ignite a thirst to learn. Be prepared for every class. Love what I learn.

Relationship: Decide 5 things to do for her in a long distance relationship.

Career: Talk with an editor. Specifically find out how to get to the top pay scales and decide my interest.

I saw "Hereafter" the other day (Matt Damon, some wonderful acting English boy, and a French Lady) and payed way to much attention to the credits. (Not sure why... :)?) I just don't go to the movies very often. Anyway, the credits did me no good, but I got to thinking, "What if life ran a credits roll once you were done?" I get the feeling that with a thousand years to add them up I wouldn't get half of the people on there that should be.
If there was someone I could never forget, it would be Professor Kendall Grant. He taught me so much more than English. My stomach knots up a little just thinking about it. I got the first C of my life in his class. Blew my mind; but it knocked down my presets, and Brother Grant opened my eyes.
He taught us to write real. He taught us to see, and pay attention to the master teachers around us. I love it! The midterm took us two weeks. Every day, 90 minutes reading, half an hour writing, turn in a new paper every class. It made a lot of us sick. But it taught me to think. Details peeled away in layers in every reading, like why he put a comma instead of ending the sentence, or that his clauses averaged 9 words; but varied long and short lengths just to please the reader. Then, I would turn around and write. Professor Grant taught me I could learn from anyone I want. If I want, Abraham Lincoln can instruct me. I just need to pick up a piece of their writing and ingest it.
I think that Professor Grant showed me how to think. And I appreciate him for it. Ever since his class, I see the world with open eyes. The best part is he lit the way and let me scale the mountain. I learned more in one English generals class with him than all of my education before. So, Professor Grant, this is a tribute to you, one of the best teachers I have ever had. Maybe it's because I love words and he taught me so much about them, but if I had some goofy credits roll, he would definitely come right near the top.


Monday, November 15, 2010

Wally's Quotes of the Day

This is my great friend Austin Wallace Thornhill. I think the man is quite a miracle. You may have had this experience before, but he's one of the people that leaves you with the feeling described easily as, "Wow, I feel good about myself." Also, he's very creative. We just came up with a hilarious... uh... experience? that we could have. Star Wars music came on in the Crossroads cafeteria and Austin and I immediately--blaming our doughnuts we had just eaten--imagined fighting each other. But all out, as in chairs and tables were orbiting Austin while he used the force to throw them at me, while I dodged them on a floating scooter.
Anyway, Austin was extremely nice and gave me a cookie. His disclaimer though, was this:

"Don't eat the spider. It's plastic."

Quote number two:
Justin: "I want people to get more love in their lives."
Austin: "They just need more Wally."
I hope you love your introduction to my friend Austin Wallace Thornhill. He is the best friend you may never have had.